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Cradle Of Filth
Petőfi Csarnok


Csepel; Pagoda

The Doors
The Doors : The Doors

The Doors

  2005.11.16. 17:25

Break On Through
You know the day destroys the night,
Night divides the day;
Tried to run. Tried to hide
Break on thru to the other side, break on thru

We chased our pleasures here,
Dug our treasures there
Can you still recall the time we cried?
Break on thru to the other side, break on thru

I found an island in your arms,
A country in your eyes,
Arms that chain, eyes that lie
Break on thru ...etc.

Made the scene from week to week,
Day to day, hour to hour,
The gate is straight, deep and wide
Break on thru ...etc.
Break. Break. Break. Breakback to top
Soul Kitchen
Well, the clock says it's time to close
I guess I'd better go
I'd really like to stay here all night

The cars crawl past all stuffed with eyes,
Street lights shed their hollow glow;
Your brain seems bruised with numb surprise
Still one place to go, still one place to go

Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen,
Warm my mind near your gentle stove
Turn me out and I'll wander, baby,
Stumbling in the neon groves
Your fingers weave quick minarets,
Speaking in secret alphabets
I light another cigarette,
Learn to forget, learn to forgetback to top
The Crystal Ship
Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss,
Another flashing chance at bliss,
Another kiss, another kiss

The days are bright and filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain,
The time you ran was too insane,
We'll meet again, we'll meet again

Oh' tell me where your freedom lies,
The streets are fields that never die,
Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly

The crystal ship is being filled,
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills,
A million ways to spend your time;
When we get back, I'll drop a lineback to top
Twentieth Century Fox
Well, she's fashionably lean,
And she's fashionably late,
She'll never rank a scene,
She'll never break a date;
But she's no drag, just watch the way she walks,
She's a Twentieth Century Fox,
She's a Twentieth Century Fox;
No tears, no fears, no ruined years, no clocks
She's a Twentieth Century Fox

She's the queen of cool,
And she's the lady who waits,
Since her mind left school,
It never hesitates;
She won't waste time on elementary talk,
She's a Twentieth Century Fox,
She's a Twentieth Century Fox;
Got the world locked up inside a plastic box;
She's a Twentieth Century Fox

Twentieth Century Fox, yeh
Twentieth Century Foxback to top
Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)
Well, show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Show me the way
To the next whiskey bar
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

For if we don't find
The next whiskey bar
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whiskey, oh, you now why

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whiskey, oh, you now why

Well, show me the way
To the next little girl
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

Show me the way
To the next little girl
Oh, don't ask why
Oh, don't ask why

For if we don't find
The next little girl
I tell you we must die
I tell you we must die
I tell you, I tell you
I tell you we must die

Oh, moon of Alabama
We now must say goodbye
We've lost our good old mama
And must have whiskey, oh, you now whyback to top
Light My Fire
You know that it would be untrue;
You know that I would be a liar;
If I was to say to you;
Girl, we couldn't get much higher

Come on, baby, light my fire,
Come on, baby, light my fire,
Try to set the night on fire

The time to hesitate is through,
No time to wallow in the mire,
Try now we can only lose,
And our love become a funeral pyre

The time to hesitate is through,
No time to wallow in the mire;
If I was to say to you;
Girl, we couldn't get much higherback to top
Back Door Man
Wha, yeah!
C'mon, yeah
Yeah, c'mon, yeah
Yeah, c'mon
Oh, yeah, ma

Yeah, I'm a back door man
I'm a back door man
The men don't know
But the little girl understand

Hey, all you people that tryin' to sleep
I'm out to make it with my midnight dream, yeah
'Cause I'm a back door man
The men don't know
But the little girls understand
All right, yeah

You men eat your dinner
Eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken
Than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah

I'm a back door man, wha
The men don't know
But the little girl understand

Well, I'm a back door man
I'm a back door man
Whoa, baby, I'm a back door man
The men don't know
But the little girls understandback to top
I Looked At You
I looked at you You looked at me,
I smiled at you You smiled at me
And we're on our way

I walk with you You walk with me,
I talked to you You talked to me
And we're on our way

No, we can't turn back, babe;
Yeah, we're on our way;
And we can't turn back 'cause it's too late,
Too late, too late, too late, too late
And we're on our way
No, we can't turn back, babe;
Yeah, we're on our way;
And we can't turn backback to top
End Of The Night
Take the highway to the end of the night
End of the night
End of the night
Take a journey to the bright midnight
End of the night
End of the night

Realms of bliss, realms of light,
Some are born to sweet delight
Some are born to sweet delight
Some are born to the endless night

End of the night End of the night End of the night
End of the night
Take It As It Comes
Time to live, time to lie,
Time to laugh, time to die

Take it easy, baby, take it as it comes
Don't move too fast if you want your love to last
You've been movin' much too fast

Time to walk, time to run,
Time to aim your arrows at the Sun

Go real slow, you'll like it more and more,
Take it as it comes, specialize in having fun
The End
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes

Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need
Of some stranger's hand
In a desperate land
Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the king's highway, baby
Weird seems inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake
Ride the snake, to the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long seven miles
Ride the snake
He is old and his skin is cold

The West is the best
The West is the best
Get here and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where you taking us

The killer awoke before dawn
He put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went to the room where his sister lived
And then he paid a visit to his brother
And then he walked on down the hall
And he came to a door,and he looked inside
"Father?" - "Yes, son?" - "I want to kill you,
Mother, I want to..."

Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
(Blue bus still now...
Come on, girl)

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of night we tried to die
This is the end

Frł$$ - röviđen
  • Lassan-lassan újjáalakul az oldal. Néhány dolog vissza lett állítva, most került át emberibb formátunba, vannak képek is, de még sok munka lesz vele, korántse érjétek be ennyivel:P
  • Kópirájt báj Kit$iSmokey

Indulás: 2004-11-29

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