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Cradle Of Filth
Petőfi Csarnok


Csepel; Pagoda

The Doors
The Doors : Strange Days

Strange Days

  2005.11.16. 17:26

Strange Days
Strange days have found us,
Strange days have tracked us down,
They're goin' to destroy our casual joys,
We shall go on playing or find a new town

Strange eyes fill strange rooms,
Voices will signal their tired end,
The hostess is grinning, her guests sleep from sinning,
Hear me talk of sin and you know this is it

Strange days have found us
And through their strange hours
We linger alone, bodies confused,
Memories misused,
As we run from the day to a strange night of stoneback to top
You're Lost Little Girl
You're lost little girl,
You're lost little girl,
You're lost, tell me who are you

Think that you know what to do,
Impossible yes, but it's true
I think that you know what to do, yeah,
Sure that you know what to do

You're lost little girl,
You're lost little girl,
You're lost, tell me who are youback to top
Love Me Two Times
Love me two times, baby,
Love me twice today;
Love me two times, girl,
I'm goin' away
Love me two times, girl,
One for tomorrow, one just for today;
Love me two times, I'm goin' away

Love me one time, could not speak;
Love me one time, yeh, my knee got weak
Love me two times, girl,
Last me all thru the week;
Love me two times, I'm goin' away;
Love me two times, I'm goin' awayback to top
Unhappy Girl
Girl, unhappy girl,
Left all alone,
Playin' solitaire,
Playin' warden to your soul;
You are locked in a prison of your own device
And you can't believe what it does to me
To see you cryin'

Girl, unhappy girl,
Tear your web away;
Saw thru all your bars
Melt yourself today;
You are charged in a prison of your own device

Girl, unhappy girl,
Fly fast away;
Don't miss your chance
To swim in mystery
You are tied in a prison of your own deviceback to top
Horse Latitudes
When the still sea conspires an armor
And her sullen and aborted
Currents breed tiny monsters,
True sailing is dead

Awkward instant
And the first animal is jettisoned,
Legs furiously pumping
Their stiff green gallop,
And head bob up
In mute nostril agony
Carefully refined
And sealed overback to top
Moonlight Drive
Let's swim to the moon uh huh let's climb thru the tide,
Penetrate the evenin' that the city sleeps to hide
Let's swim out tonight, love it's our turn to try
Parked eside the ocean on our moonlight drive

Let's swim to the moon uh huh let's climb thru the tide,
Surrender to the waiting worlds that lap against our side
Nothing left open and no time to deside
We've stepped into a river on our moonlight drive

Let's swim to the moon let's climb thru the tide
You reach a hand to hold me but I can't be your guide
Easy to love you as I watch you glide
Falling through wet forests on our moonlight driveback to top
People Are Strange
People are strange when you're a stranger,
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted,
Streets are uneven when you're down,
When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain when you're stranger
No one remembers your name when you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strangeback to top
My Eyes Have Seen You
My eyes have seen you,
My eyes have seen you,
My eyes have seen you

Stand in your door meet inside
Show me some more show me some more

Turn and stare fix your hair
Move up stairs, move up stairs
Move up stairs

Free from disguise,
Gazing on a city under television skies,
Television skies, television skies

Let them photograph your your soul,
Memorize your alleys on an endless roll,
endless roll, endless rollback to top
I Can't See Your Face
I can't see your face in my mind
I can't see your face in my mind
Carnival dogs consume the lines
Can't see your face in my mind

Don't you cry, baby, please don't cry,
And don't look at me with your eyes,
I can't seem to find the right lie,
I can't seem to find the right lie

Insanity's horse adorns the sky,
Can't seem to find the right lie,
I won't need your picture
until we say good-byeback to top
When The Music's Over
When the music's over,
When the music's over here
When the music over turn out the lights,
turn out the lights,
turn out the lights
Yeah, yeah

For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
music is your only friend until the end,
until the end, until the end

Cancel my subscription to the resurrection,
Send my credentials to the house of detention,
I got some friends inside

The face in the mirror won't stop
The girl in the window won't drop
A feast of friends alive she cried,
Waiting for me outside

Before I sink into the big sleep
I want to hear
I want to hear the scream of the butterfly

Come back, baby, back into my arms

We're getting tired of waiting around
Waiting around
with our heads
to the ground
I hear a very gentle sound
What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered
and ripped her and bit her
Stuck her with knives
in the side of the dawn
and tied her with fences
and dragged her down

I hear a very gentle sound
With your ear down to the ground -
We want the world and we want it
Persian night!
See the light!
Save us!
Save us!

When the music's over,
When the music's over here
When the music over turn out the lights,
turn out the lights,
turn out the lights
Yeah, yeah

For the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
music is your only friend until the end,
until the end, until the end

Frł$$ - röviđen
  • Lassan-lassan újjáalakul az oldal. Néhány dolog vissza lett állítva, most került át emberibb formátunba, vannak képek is, de még sok munka lesz vele, korántse érjétek be ennyivel:P
  • Kópirájt báj Kit$iSmokey

Indulás: 2004-11-29

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