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Cradle Of Filth
Petőfi Csarnok


Csepel; Pagoda

The Doors
The Doors : Morrison Hotel

Morrison Hotel

  2005.11.16. 17:30

Roadhouse Blues
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel
Yeah, we're goin' to the roadhouse,
gonna have a real good time

Yeah, in back of the roadhouse they got some bungalows
Yeah, in back of the roadhouse they got some bungalows
And that's for the people who like to go down slow

Let it roll baby, roll;
Let it roll baby, roll;
Yeah, let it roll, all night long

Ashen lady, Ashen lady, give up your vows!
Give up your vows!
Save our city, save our city, right now!

When I woke up this morning I got myself a beer
When I woke up this morning I got myself a beer
The future is uncertain and the end is always nearback to top
Waiting For The Sun
At first flash of Eden we raced down to the sea,
Standing there on freedom's shore
Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun,
Waiting for the sun

Can't you feel it, now that spring has come;
That it's time to live in the scattered sun
Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun,
Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun

Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,
Waiting for you to come along;
Waiting for you to hear my song;
Waiting for you to come along;
Waiting for you to tell me what went wrong
This is the strangest life I've ever knownback to top
You Make Me Real
I really want you really do,
Really need you, baby, God knows I do
'Cause I'm not real enough without you;
Oh, what can I do?

You make me real, you make me feel like lovers feel
You make me throw away mistaken misery
Make me free, love. Make me free

I really want you really do,
Really need you, baby, really do
'Cause I'm not real enough without you;
Oh, what can I do?

You make me real, only you, baby, have that appeal
So let me slide in your tender sunken sea,
Make me free, love, make me freeback to top
Peace Frog
There's blood in the streets it's up to my ankles,
Blood in the streets it's up to my knee;
Blood in the streets of the town of Chicago,
Blood on the rise, it's following me,
Just about the break of day
She came, then she drove away, sunlight in her hair

Blood on the streets runs a river of sadness
Blood in the streets, it's up to my thigh
The river runs down the legs of the city;
The women are crying red rivers of weeping
She came in town and then she drove away,
sunlight in her hair

Indians scattered on dawn's highway
Bleeding ghosts crowd the young child's fragile
Egg-shell mind

Blood in the streets of the town of New Haven;
Blood stains the roofs and the palm trees of Venice
Blood in my love in the terrible summer;
Bloody red sun of fantastic L.A.
Blood screams her brain as the chop off her fingers
Blood will be born in the birth of a nation;
Blood is the rose of mysterious union

There's blood in the streets it's up to my ankles
Blood in the streets it's up to my knee;
Blood in the streets of the town of Chicago,
Blood on the rise, it's following meback to top
Blue Sunday
I found my own true love was on a Blue Sunday
She looked at me and told me I was the only one in
the world;
Now I have found my girl

My girl awaits for me in tender time
My girl is mine, she is the world,
She is my girlback to top
Ship Of Fools
The human race was dying out,
No-one left to scream and shout
People walking on the moon,
Smog will get you pretty soon
Ev'ryone was hangin' out,
Hangin' up and hangin' down
Hangin' in and holdin' fast,
Hope our little world will last

Yeah, Along came Mister Goodtrips
Looking for a new ship
Come on, people, better climb on board;
Come on, baby, now we're going home
Ship of fools, ship of fools,
Smog will get you pretty soon

The human race was dying out,
No-one left to scream and shout
People walking on the moon,
Smog will get you pretty soonback to top
Land Ho!
Grand-ma loved a sailor
Who sailed the frozen sea
Grand-pa was a whaler
And he took me on his knee
He said, "Son, I'm goin' crazy
From livin' on the land.
Got to find my shipmates
And walk on foreign sands"

This old man was graceful,
With silver in his smile
He smoked a briar pipe and
He walked four country miles
Singing song of shady sisters
And old time liberty,
Songs of love and songs of death,
And songs to set men free

I've got three ships and sixty men,
A course for ports unread
I'll stand at mast, let north winds blow
Till half of us are dead
Land Ho!

Well, it I get my hands on a dollar bill,
Gonna buy a bottle and drink my fill
If I get my hands on a number five,
Gonna skin that little girl aline
If I get my hands on a number two
Come back home and marry you,
Marry you, marry you. All right!
Land Ho!back to top
The Spy
I'm a spy in the house of Love
I know the dream that you're dreamin' of;
I know the word that you long to hear
I know your deepest secret fear

I know ev'rything:
Ev'rything you do;
Ev'rywhere you go;
Ev'ryone you know
I'm a spy, I know your deepest secret fear
I know your deepest secret, I'm a spy
I can see what you do;
And I knowback to top
Queen Of The Highway
She was a princess, Queen of the Highway
Sign on the road said: "Take us to Madre"
No one could save her, save the blind tiger
He was a monster, black dressed in leather
She was a princess, Queen of the Highway

Now they are wedded, she is a good girl;
Naked as children out in the Meadow,
Naked as children, wild as can be,
Soon to have offspring, start it all over
Start it all over

American boy, American girl,
Most beautiful people in the world!
Son of a frontier Indian Swirl,
Dancing thru the midnight whirl-pool
Formless hope it can continue a little while longerback to top
Indian Summer
I love you the best,
Better than all the rest,
I love you the best,
Better than all the rest,
That I meet in the summer
Indian summerback to top
Maggie M'gill
Miss Maggie M'Gill she lived on a hill,
Her daddy got drunk and left her no will,
So she went down,
Down to "Tangie Town"
People down there really like to get it on

Now, if you're sad and you're feelin' blue,
Go out and buy a brand new pair of shoes,
And you go down,
Down to "Tangie Town"
The people down there really like to get it on, get it on

Illegitimate son of a rock and roll star
Illegitimate son of a rock and roll star
Mom met Dad in the back of a rock'n'roll car

Well, I'm an old blues man and I think
that you understand
I've been singing the blues ever since
the world began
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie M'Gill,
Roll on, roll on, Maggie M'Gill

Frł$$ - röviđen
  • Lassan-lassan újjáalakul az oldal. Néhány dolog vissza lett állítva, most került át emberibb formátunba, vannak képek is, de még sok munka lesz vele, korántse érjétek be ennyivel:P
  • Kópirájt báj Kit$iSmokey

Indulás: 2004-11-29

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