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Cradle Of Filth
Petőfi Csarnok


Csepel; Pagoda

In Flames
In Flames : Lunar Strain

Lunar Strain

  2004.12.05. 20:52

1. Behind Space

Call me by my astral name
Breeding fear through wordless tounge
Heavenly thirst - unspeakable pain
Emptied from all human motion
Confront the faceless wrath

Beckoning silent from a sphere behind space
Through twisted ruins of uncompleted dreams
Sights of towers reaching for the moon
Clawing at the skies - they gonna pull it down

Intensity - I feel the lava rushing through my veins
Stars are reforming - to enter the fourth dimension

Beyond all galaxies
through timeless eaons of frost
Unearthly hunger - angels descent

We are entering dimensions behind space ...

Beyond all galaxies
through timeless eaons of frost

2. Lunar Strain

For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space

For there is a knowledge more complex
Than life on this planet
A knowledge in tune with the progress of stars

Lunar strain

All across the milky way
Life suffers defeat
Life that once was treasured

What once was nothing
Has blossomed into form
Once it was I that was nothing
But now they say I will die

All across the galaxy
Life suffers defeat

Lunar strain

From nothingless to reality
As we see it
From nothingless to life
My dismal tears of anguish
Bleed into one with the songs of my heaven
Loneliness is pain

Emptiness is power, loneliness is pain
Serenity is might
Yet we shall be honoured
In the starforsaken night

Astral strain
All around my silent moon
Life suffers defeat

Astral strain

For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space

3. Starforsaken

Wipped in the eye by the sand
Malicious have light of day obscured
The sun has burned my skin
Open wounds are licked by sand

To be punished by this vortex of scorn

Wrists and ankles are chained upon this land
Drawn through the desert to be their sacrifice

So this is my golgatha, so this is my grave
The theives, the liars, the hypocrit scum
I'd slay them if I only could

The endless sand, the blackest land
A cyclone of spinecrushing anger
Meant for me

The overlords of the desert
Not one was meant to be
All human force now flee
Rules of anatomy lost
Rage into the extreme

4. Everlost ( part I )

Lights are dim
My tearful windows
Through wich no emotions pass
Starvation of senses claws my soul

Answer me
Are these walls my only shelter
From the bleeding atmosphere
Take me from this land

"I deliver thee from this agony
A storm to cleanse thee"

Mine is the right to be
Maelstrom of the everlost
This is the curse of ...

All is dark
All but one aspect of life
To be shaceled
In a shell, so misleading

"These are the shells bestowed upon me"
Pass into the darkened of the midnight
Sounds, faceless lights

Hands tear apart
Disolve possess
You alone can take my soul
Take flight

5. Everlost ( part II )

Through seven songs of rejoice
His name relives his solar voice

Falling into the unknown
Yet he shall feel no harm

Lights shine upon his face
Night exists no longer

In unknown colours they confront him
In soundless tounge they speak is name
Moonred - reaching for life through eternity
Starblack - the brooding silence is frightening me

One elderly custom in timeless guise
In ceremonies of old one, dove now flies
Fly through time

6. In Flames

Behold the heart of mine in flames
A top the highest mountain
Below the darkest depths
In the valley of hate I wander
My frost bitten heart is set ablaze, set ablaze

Ravage my soul
Plunder my mind
Branded by thunder, fire and ice

Trampled in fury by hordes of the light
I am crushed by the hand of my sky
My sky has forsaken me

Rivers of crimson lead me now
Trail of fire
In a place of fire ethernal
Left in flames

Scattered in a world of thorns
Torn from my earthly self
Aggreived in tears and bitterness
I fall beyond stars, beyond stars

Ravage my soul
Plunder my mind
Branded by thunder, fire and ice

Trampled in fury by hordes of the light
My firey heart is stronger than ever
It's stronger than ever before

My heart in flames

7. Upon An Oaken Throne

"I see then nightshade grow" he spoke
And southern hounds awoke at dawn
Sought for the ever-liquid of our craving
Caught by the all embracing nightly sun
Admass - I laugh at your feeble lies - trash

Hatred in my eyes and in my blood
A scream across the fields - the rivers weep
A vanquished lord upon an oaken throne
Grief inside my flame - grasp at my existence
The seal of dawn is broken - fury


A windswept thought
Out in the perimeter where laughts are
No longer heard, screams no longer seen
And life is always lost
Gaze into the skies for they are blind
Blinded by the nightshade of our lust
Grinded to dust
The wolves are here

The beast of the savage lands
They drink my blood
They feast upon my remains
The tears in their eyes betry


8. Clad In Shadows

Reach for your razor
Cut through the dawn
See through your inner wrath
Keys shan't open the doors

Behold my heart has stopped
My lungs are laid the final rest
And still I see and do I feel
Yes, but to earthly eyes I am gone
To the land where legends never die
Take me to the twilight land tonight

Again and again and again in every night
The darkness climbs through my walls
Ever screaming silent to the corrupted ears

Never to any man I will spear
My speach it has no value
Eyes that have seen the sights
Bleed through the ages eternal

I ask no more
A life has just begun
Never will I see the sun
And do I miss it
No, my eyes are black
Emotions fled through eyelids closed
Throne of thorns
Clad in shadows

Frł$$ - röviđen
  • Lassan-lassan újjáalakul az oldal. Néhány dolog vissza lett állítva, most került át emberibb formátunba, vannak képek is, de még sok munka lesz vele, korántse érjétek be ennyivel:P
  • Kópirájt báj Kit$iSmokey

Indulás: 2004-11-29

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