× Gunshot ×
× Gunshot ×

Elfelejtettem a jelszót

Cradle Of Filth
Petőfi Csarnok


Csepel; Pagoda

In Flames
In Flames : Clayman


  2004.12.05. 20:57

1. Bullet Ride

Do you feel anything at all?
Do you hear steps at the door?
Do you reckon the smell of....?
It's life-the the dark that binds you

Frigthened by your own smell
Bitternes will run you through

Silent screaming
Turning, twisting the alphabet
Frantic eyes
Awaiting the answer
Splinters of a poem
Fragments of what you used to be
Habitual and gullible
Run-down memoirs is all that's left

Do you wish to sleep?
Do you aim for the shadow?
Do you feel infected?
It's life-the the dark that binds you

It's the cowardice that puls you under
And takes you to the end, where it begins
Release, the world is waiting on your arrival
Close your eyes, as we witness another bullet ride

Do you know about atrocity?
Do you that everbody's gone?
Do you know that you're on your own?
It's life-the the dark that binds you

2. Pinball Map

As I aim for that bright white day
Conflict serum is my aura
It seems that life's so fragile
I guess I'll fly some other time

I lack from superhighway thoughts
Won't live as long as the city lights
Soaked by underwater times
Electric splash on a midnight drive

Wish I could rape the day,
just something radical
Lost the sense of sweet things
Who's gonna take me widely?

Guided by the pinball map
The driver, still unknown to me
Who was sent to glorify?
Before we injected this common pride

Sometimes I don't belong
Release me from your world
Pacified by the small things in life
I wait for earthquakes to rearrange

Never been able to use the force
I only have it read to me
Despite all the misguided faith
(Maybe) I'll find a place in this mess

Early morning moments
A glimpse of joy
But soon it's over and I return to dust
As I try to be
Everything and everyone
I shrivel up and waste away

3. Only For The Weak

I can't tolerate your sadness
Cause it's me you are drowning
I won't allow any happiness
Cause everytime you laugh, I feel so guity, I feel so guilty

Am I forced to have any regret
I've become the lie, Beautiful and free
In my righteous own mind
I adore and preach the insanity you gave to me

Sell me the infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, The misery that is me

I've lost the ability to pain the clouds
Cause it's me you're draining
I'm stuck in this slow-motion dark day
Cause everytime you run, I fall.. Behind, I fall behind

And so I hear my voice again
The tale of the bitter man here I am
Shake the silence and hear what it says
The tranquil pride that become the lie

Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
No need for sympathy, the misery that is me

Sell me to infection, it is only for the weak
On bleeding knees, I accept my fate

4. ...As The Future Repeats Today

There's no place that still remains
Just deserted space all left in grey
Why did we lose, the knowledge of time?
Is this the price, the hell we pay?
The poisoned fear known to man
is he who try to find his path
The collective force blaming you
"This is day day we split in half"

Thrown to the gallow, forgotten and sore
sworn to be different in what way I can
The sultry taste that is special to me
is the last gleeful glimpse of a bitter man

Down and troubled, in search for better days
Back to the beginning, I'm at the end
All my time, compressed to itching moments
as the future repeats today

So impressed, lost the faith in all I had
Broken down, I'm on my way to be dissolved

The hopes and prays of things to come
I've lost them all with glory
Urgent to aim for that short-lived joy
I see gold in all that lies before me

And so we ignore the beggers cup
Praise your act in the Grand Finale
Teach the unborn the winners sign
a welcome grin to the world Royal

5. Square Nothing

For all the times you left me bleeding
Clouded, weakend by the haze
Cut of my pride, enough to forgive
Reconcile, back to square nothing

It seems I lost my direction
Don't have the strenght to let it slip
Have no desire for the shore
Just let me play here for some time

Spend some quality time with the demon of mine
I like the way you struggle but you know Im here to win
Spent some quality time with my borrowed smile
The gleam is replaced, rip me open and erase me

Is this how I want to spend my days?
Shadowed, it fears me, my utopia
Try to find some peace to destroy
These are my sins, I'm heading to fall
Never understood though I accepted
All the weakness that I discover
You gave me a place to hide and lost the key
Drowend my head just to see it sink (to the bottom)

Spend some quality time with the demon of mine
He said "I like the way you struggle but you know I'm here to win"
Spent some quality time with my borrowed smile
The gleam is replaced, rip me open and erase me

Spent some quality time with the demon of mine
I like the way you struggle but you know I'm here to win"
Spent some quality time with my borrowed smile
The gleam is replaced, rip me open and erase me

6. Clayman

Your self control makes me feel alone
I've tried confidence, had it for breakfast today
I've lost the perfection, a mess without words
(And) As the seasons change I'll continue to ignore
The image I project - me without me
The picture that I scanned is borrowed

After the education you stopped making sense to me
Seems to me that it's all the same, time and time again
Slowly, all that I believed in, turning into a lie
To aim and miss, my supernatural art
Spending to much time with myself
Trying to explanin who I am

How come it's possible
I wish there was a way
(Suddenly) I feel so invinsible
I'm the sculpture made out of clay

I need someone to break the silence
before it all falls apart
I need something to cling onto
before I break you in parts

So afraid of what you may think
And all the plastic people that surrounds me
I have to find the path to where it all begins
To teach the world my supernatural art

7. Satellites And Astronauts

Since the day of my departure
I've been stumbling through reality
I play my symphony in reverse
In search for that special path

Be gentle to the tear in this I
Lonesome arms, lost its wings again

Buy me a trip to the moon
So I can laugh at my mistakes
I can see the end from here
From this perspective it looks kind of silly
Satellites and astronauts
Tell me there are greater things ahead

Make me feel like a man
A silent cry from the middle of hell
I - the irony - I promise, I'll be mature
So please, invite me to your shelter again

Been hiding since I heared "never"
Take me back to yesterday, I need to grow

Steal my mask and make me pay
I need a new skin
I'm going insane

8. Brush The Dust Away

In the most desolate corner
A bad case of the urban blues
Another brick in the living shadow
All inhale the downward spiral

Hey, get in line for tragic
Let us dance to the pistol magic
Just aim and end another
But think, as I rape your mother

Another player joins the table
Who I can or cannot trust
When do we get assigned?
Pure and precious with bad intensions

Hey, come and join the show
All the cameras are ready to go
Just aim and end another
But think, as I rape your mother

A single step - a garbled life
Where's the profit?
Your rage - the pain
Will it all be worth it?

Genetic, it seems to be....
Abandon, the mass ideal
Lets re-unite and brush the dust away
We think we're in control then we become the things we hate
Lets re-unite and brush the dust away

Obtain a prosperous future
and the admiration of all
Act in "the sensations" media hour
All inhale the downward spiral

9. Swim

As we build a brand new planet
Lets reconstruct and get it straight

Unlock forgotten skills
Travel to a new dimension
Souls from the dark seduction
(Take heed), we are the new invention

We're the settlers of year zero
Lets reconstruct and take it back

Leaders of our time
Heading for a downfall
The threshhold of revolution
(Take heed)The last freedom call

Blanked out fire etched on the chrystal display
The sees are deep
You better swim
Don't go numb
Collect the word, add some gold and give it back
The sees are deep
You better swim
Don't go numb

From a thousand branches
Spreading the new voice

As we're heading for the throne
Connect, evolution will begin

10. Suburban Me

The self-inflicted state of mind
A one-man struggle beneath the tower
I think the clock still exist
god just forgot to tap my shoulder

I woke up today
I wish I felt something
The odour of my apathy
just might be true

I wan't to be the things I see
The pilgrim that is me
But I know I ain't that free
The suburban me

Spirits rise and miss the eye
Covered by the stench of judgment
As gods reflection test my pride
I serve the failure that's haunting me

Twisted visions toturing
Who claims to be the one?
That filtered smile
just might be true

"On half-speed, tonight I suffer
Satisfaction brings the unheeded"

Can you hear the message,
as I wrestle with the clouds?
I'm on the way to succumb,
It just might be true

11. Another Day In Quicksand

The other side of the platinum door
another day in quicksand
Still feel close to nowhere
I hope this is the right way

How come you see me as an enemy?
We just think in different words

I see beauty in dead flowers
I let the tide show me what's next
But all you do is fade away

There's no shame in being the fool
I've been to places you'll never find
The empty plate that you call home
Won't bring glimmer to future years

By myself, staring into space
You're just bored of the silence it makes

12. World Of Promises


They come from a land were the sun don't shine
running away from the cold
They travel so far in the name of love
hoping the dreams will come true

Walking the way through endless fields
trying to make it together
And they will give anything
just to be free from the pain
and they won't surrender

Living in a world of promises
Living in a world of dreams and hopes
Living in a world of promises

Lost in the city wondering why
no one will open the door
It's more to the truth than meets the eye
something they all felt before
And they will give anything
just to stand tall once again
and they won't surrender

Living in a world of promises
Living in a world of dreams and hopes
Living in a world of promises

In the tan of the nigh can hear them crying
out for a life to hol on to
Somebody knows were the answers lying
wait for your trails and don't let go

Living in a world of promises
Living in a world of dreams and hopes
Living in a world of promises

13. Strong & Smart

[NO FUN AT ALL cover song]

One lie was all it took everything ended right there
You didn't seem to care One lie
I walked away weight on my shoulders was heavy
Barrel to my head

Will you give me a good excuse
Will you let me die right here and now ?
I can't think of another way
But I'm open to any good advice
Everything is falling apart
Trying hard to be strong and smart

One day was all it took
Start to get back on my feet heart begin to beat
One week I'm feeling great dancing around in the street
Feeling young and free

Will you give me a good excuse
Will you let me die right here and now ?
I can't think of another way
But I'm open to any good advice
Everything is falling apart
Trying hard to be strong and smart

Frł$$ - röviđen
  • Lassan-lassan újjáalakul az oldal. Néhány dolog vissza lett állítva, most került át emberibb formátunba, vannak képek is, de még sok munka lesz vele, korántse érjétek be ennyivel:P
  • Kópirájt báj Kit$iSmokey

Indulás: 2004-11-29

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